Grandma June (Shuffler) McCullough was my wife’s paternal grandmother - her mother was Esther Thompson, whose lineage of Scandinavian immigrants is sketched out in our 15 November post. June’s paternal line, the Shufflers, were a part of the American Midwest. I owe them a lot more attention, but for today, here’s a snapshot of where we are with our research:

While I have been able to build back to June’s “Great Eight” (her 8 great-grandparents) I have yet to add everyone to WikiTree. Her grandfather, Frank, was a barber who quit his job and went to work in the Pacific Junction (Iowa) switchyards in 1918 “in order to help the government win the war.” He was run over and killed by a train in January 1919. He left four sons for his widow to raise. Frank’s widow, Virginia (Ballard) Shuffler, eventually re-married and took her younger sons to live with their stepfather in Maryland.
Both sides of June’s paternal lineage descended from early Ohio settlers - and I hope to learn more about them over the coming months.
Please do drop a note if you recognize any names from your own tree!
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