I missed a Weekly Log last weekend - we were doing stuff around the house. This week was a bit longer for me, thanks to the Federal holiday.
Sadly, I learned this morning that one of my Callin cousins passed away unexpectedly yesterday. Out of respect for the family’s privacy, I will only offer my condolences at this time.
Friday -
Digging into cousin Pat Witter's "Witter Tree" on Ancestry; - this is his direct, paternal line - Discovered there are two men called Abraham Witter:
Our ancestor: Abraham Witter (1786-1882)
born in Frederick County, Maryland
died in Fulton County, Pennsylvania
And this gentleman: Abraham Witter (1794-1853)
born in Hinsdale, Massachusetts
died in Winnebago County, Illinois
The other Abraham's ancestry is documented best in this book:
Witter, Harold John, 1938-, ''The descendants of William Witter and Hannah Churchman of Lynn, Massachusetts'', Gateway Press, Inc., Baltimore, 1991; page 90.
I added that, and a few other sources, to not-our-Abraham's profile, and hope to get a chance to keep digging to find our-actual-Abraham's parents.
Saturday -
Drafted and scheduled the remaining posts for November.
This includes an analysis of the available evidence of John Witter, Abraham's possible father, with records from Frederick County, MD, and Franklin County, PA.
Sunday -
Mostly spent enjoying the rain and crossing some minor DIY projects off the list.
As always, if you have questions or suggestions for future posts:
Be sure to subscribe for regular updates - “Family Reunion” posts on Wednesdays to talk about specific surnames or lineages, and Essays or Stories on Fridays.
Find of the Week - “Stories from the Tree” by Kirsi Dahl where you can find photos and memories that spark stories of her family.