I love both of your series ideas--the 16 great grandparents and the "wavetop" idea!

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Mightier Acorns

I love the term wavetops and the notion of surfing along.

We are are 17th cousins twice removed - so our connection is definitely on the crest of some waves - we share over 100 common ancestors on Wikitree including Sir Richard "Warwick the Kingmaker, Earl of Warwick, Earl of Salisbury" Neville KG https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Neville-203

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I am skeptical, of course, because from Rebecca (Staton) West and up, I haven't looked at how solid the evidence is for those connections, but... Wow!

I guess I have my work cut out for a future Wavetop!

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I think you are right to be sceptical though Wikitree offers the opportunity to research the connection and document the sources that provide the evidence.

On the relationship table it shows the connections where the confidence is unknown - the challenge is to convert the links to confident.

My focus from time to time is tree completeness, I blogged about it in 2018 and several times since. Randy Seaver wrote about it in 2016 https://www.geneamusings.com/2016/01/saturday-night-genealogy-fun-your.html but there seems to have been lots of people who tackled the question of how many of their forebears they can count:

2 parents

4 grandparents

8 great grandparents

16 greatX2 grandparents

32 greatX3 grandparents

64 greatX4 grandparents

128 greatX5 grandparents

256 greatX6 grandparents

512 greatX7 grandparents

How many of the total of 1,023 people can I name.

My last count in 2022 was that I was up to 31% for my children's 7th great grandparents (10 generations). About time I revisted.

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I have really been surprised at how just this simple bit of structure has given my research focus.

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Hey I joined in December of 2019! BTW, Alberta is my 8tth cousin, and surprisingly, while I have Tuttles in my line, we are connected through the Harts. I love WikiTree - it has really expanded in the last few years, and provides a great space to add all of the facts to then use in our writing!

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It's great to meet you, cousin!

I will probably want to pick your brain at some point - I've visiting in Arizona and plan on driving back to San Antonio tomorrow, but if you drop an email to mightieracorns@gmail.com I'll probably get back to you next week sometime!

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